St Thomas Allotments Association Data Protection Policy

This version, 2.1 of the Association’s Data Protection Policy was approved by the STAA Committee on 28th January 2020.

Version 2.1

The Committee of St Thomas Allotments Association (STAA) will ensure that Data Protection legislation is adhered to and will handle, process and store securely any data that it collects.

The data that STAA collects, processes and stores will be limited to the contact details of current members, prospective members (e.g. on waiting lists) and former members who have recently ceased to hold an allotment.

What data do we collect?
We are only allowed to keep data that is necessary for our Association’s activities. STAA receives data on plot-holders (our members or prospective members) via Exeter City Council’s lead officer for allotments. 

The Council collects more data than they pass to STAA since they administer the allotment plot tenancies and annual invoices for plot rents. At the current date of this policy, the officer’s contact details for any queries pertaining to this are:

What data do we receive and store?
STAA only keeps data that is necessary for our Association’s activities. The list of data we keep may include, but is not restricted to, the following:
§ name | § e-mail address | § membership category | § elected or appointed role(s) | § entries for competitions/publications | § postal address | § phone no.

We will endeavour to maintain accurate records, but we rely on members keeping us up-to-date. Members can at any time ask the Secretary for a copy of their recorded data. To request this, send an email to .

What is the data used for?
The data is only used for legitimate Association uses. These include, for example: communication between Committee members and other members as part of the daily running of the Association; notification of Association meetings, minutes of those meetings and the allocation/maintenance of allotments.

Who has access to the data?
Only those who need access to the data have access. Only the Secretary and the Website/Data Manager have access to postal addresses; they carry out tasks within the purposes of the Association, including communicating with members and safe storage of data. From time to time, other members of the Association may need to share non-postal data. For everyday purposes, the “Let and Check” site representative for each of STAA’s allotment sites holds such data for managing local sites in accordance with written agreements between STAA and the Council.

What happens when a member leaves the Association?
We do not keep data that is not needed for operation of the Association. The data for members who leave is held pending annual or biennial updating, after which time it is deleted from our records. It is kept for a short time in the event that we need to communicate with a member who has recently left.

How do we protect the data?
Data is stored within email and within electronic file storage maintained by STAA Committee Members and the “Let and Check” site representatives.  Additionally, each site’s “Let and Check” site representative holds a local copy (in hard copy paper) stored in a secure location at each site. 

.Who is responsible for the implementation of this policy?
All those who handle the data are responsible for ensuring that this policy is adhered to. The current nominee for review or questions about this policy is Ruth O’Neale. The Committee of STAA will review this policy annually.

Concerns or queries?
Any enquiries should be sent to .