Our Wider Charity Work…


Food-bank charities

The Association supports the work of the St Thomas Community Larder and Exeter’s Foodcycle. Over the last year, 75kg of freshly dug allotment potatoes were distributed by St Thomas’ Larder . A similar sized potato crop along with fresh fruit and vegetables, and home-made jam and apple sauce from the Association’s allotments, were distributed by Foodcycle. The projects were led by R.J. and Kathy Northcott.

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looking after wildlife

The Association is keen to make all of our allotment sites and neighbouring areas, more wildlife-friendly.

Our allotments provide a home or feeding ground for birds such as robins, thrushes, and blackbirds. They attract lots of other wildlife too: slow worms, colourful Pale Tussock Moth caterpillars, and Jersey Tiger moths !

More about this and our wildlife work to follow…

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other charitable work

Our trading shed at Guys and Hylton allotment runs a tool loan scheme with proceeds going to charity. We also make some of our Community Polytunnel spaces available to local charities.