Where can i fInd out MORE about STAA ?

This website, our Facebook site, our email list, and our notice-boards, all offer information about STAA. If your question is not answered, please speak with your Site Rep. or send us an email, we’d be pleased to hear from you.

what is the ORGANISATIONAL structure of STAA ?

Historically, STAA has been structured as an unincorporated association. The committee is presently investigating a range of options that might better reflect our services and functions. The organisation could, potentially, evolve into a Charitable Incorporated Organisation, Community Interest Company, or other structure. If you have any thoughts on this, we’d like to hear from you.

What is a proved copy of the constitution ?

This is a version that is signed/dated by the Chair (or by all members of the management committee) on the authority of an AGM - i.e. not a draft.

We hope to expand this FAQ section in the near future. TO DO THIS WE would like you to first raise your questions with your site reps or emAil these to us - when we have more questions we will post more FAQ’s.